So the “braviest”…well, could be several. I use to own a jet ski in southern california.

I’d go to Lake Elsenore. On several occasions I would ski nude…or merely troll along pulling myself behind the ski. That turned out to be a distinct experience. Anyway, one time skiing I discovered a boat with some passengers in it who saw me. They began coming my way. It ended up being a girl and two other girls. She said hi and asked if I would do that somemore. I was somewhat surprised as I instead I was going to get an ear full. So, I began skiing about and along side them for a bit. Chatted a bit and planned to hook up later.

On another occasion I was driving to a bare resort with my girl friend. I just had on a shirt. I got pulled over by the state patrol. ** whew** luckily I did not have to get out of the auto. But…my heart was a thumping.

I’ve laid out naked in my backyard, and balcony when residing at an apartment. I’ve gone trekking naked in several locations.

I’ve even had neighbors come to my door who I didn’t understand. In one case the one girl asked to make use of the telephone. I was surprised when she said that is okay, the she and her pal had been watching me from across the pool area. So let them in and we conversed.

Being a pilot and when I was flying routine, I and a couple of friends took off for Lake Mead and stripped while enroute and landed at a non-control field and just kept our clothes away. We ended up camping at a shore a couple of hundred yards away.

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