‘d go to Lake Elsenore. On several occasions I’d ski naked…or simply troll along dragging myself behind the ski. That turned out to be a different encounter. Anyhow, one time skiing I found a boat with some passengers in it who saw me. They started coming my way. I fell into the water. It ended up being a girl and two other girls. She said hi and asked if I would do that somemore. I was somewhat surprised as I instead I was really going to get an ear full. So, I started skiing near and along side them for a little. Chatted a bit and intended to hook up after.
On another occasion I was driving to a bare resort with my girl friend. I was driving. I only had on a shirt. I got pulled over by the state patrol. ** whew** fortunately I didn’t have to get out of the car. But…my heart was .
I have laid out nude in my backyard, and balcony when residing at an apartment. I’ve gone trekking naked in several places.
I’ve even had neighbors come to my door who I did not understand. In one case the one lady requested to make use of the telephone. I said sure but told her to wait because I needed to put some pants on. I was surprised when she said that is ok, the she and her friend had been observing me from across the pool area. So I let them in and we chewed the fat.
Being a real pilot and when I was flying regular, I and a few friends took off for Lake Mead and stripped while enroute and landed at a non-management field and just kept our clothes off. We ended up camping at a shore a couple of hundred yards away.
super fotos and very nice body
think she knows it right from
Not bad at all. If she was lying my by side and told me she was horny and wanting a good fuck ( or just an average fuck ) I'd happily oblige !
OMG! That is so awful! Please stop. I’m begging you.
Did they say why they looked at her body?
hey….. some of them “do” have tits….
Look in the background! It’s BIGFOOT. If you only had a decent lens you would be a millionare. So sad :-{
I would fuck her ass on that pic where she is on that red carpet(with face down).Nice sexy ass!!Sexy old body!Thanks!
You're just a weasel taking pictures of girls without them knowing . HEY !!!! THAT MAKES YOU AN ASS HOLE !!!!