Clothes conceals our bodies. They enables us to bury any shame or criticism we have of them deep in our subconscious mind.

Shame can be released and we can come closer to the genuine delight of existing in the body we’ve for this life. Although novices to Naturism often worry about feeling self conscious, in truth most self-consciousness melts away nearly instantaneously and is replaced by self-acceptance and unprecedented feelings of relaxation.
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About the Author (Author Profile)
Jordan Blum is a lifelong nudie and co-founder of Naturist Portal.Public Naturism and Anti-Social Nudity Laws
Public and Societal Nudity Clarified:

It refers to the practice of going unclothed, without sexual behavior involved. It is considered to be social because those who participate take part in social activities that are generally attended while in clothes. Nudists (those who practice social naturism) don’t feel shame about their bodies and don’t feel the need to hide behind clothing.
It’s the general population that’s an issue with acknowledgement, not naturists. Clothing aren’t considered essential unless weather or other natural states require added protection. Without regard to the time or location, the members of a social nudist community are free with themselves. It is not a matter of flaunting their bodies or trying to be scandalous. Well, I think I was 14 or 15…. believe the human anatomy is a matter of beauty and there isn’t any reason to be embarrassed by it.
Societal nudity occurs in many areas around the world, at all ages and with all sexes.

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Throughout North America, you can find many popular nudist locations with bare beaches in Canada, Mexico, and the USA.
California and Colorado are two of the most encouraging states for those who want to participate in the naturist lifestyle. Traveling across the world, France is widely recognized as a state that takes the body and liberty of expression. Vacation packages for societal nudists are actually being encouraged in many other parts of the world, including Croatia, New Zealand, Corsica and South Africa. This way of life has become more accepted by others.
Social Nudity and Being Naked With Friends At A Bare Party
People who do not participate may not understand, but “live and let live” is now a popular philosophy. Societal naturists are usually not self conscious about their bodies. Living life without clothes, they accept themselves in exactly the same manner that most people accept the look of the face or hair.
Some would maintain that this is When I was in my very early teens I used to strip off every time my parents were out of the house , drawing focus to some particular region of the body with sexual connotations. Yet, many naturists argue that each and every part of the body is innocent and complete approval should permit a decorative dash on any region of the human body.
There are various rules of etiquette followed by social naturists determined by the group and place. One common rule of etiquette will be to consistently sit on a towel while naked. Guys, particularly, may have a towel on hand to cope with the potential for erections.
Yet, this is another topic that’s up for argument. Some argue that entire acceptance should mean allowing the “natural responses” of the human body to take place with no shame. If women usually are not required to cover up, why should men be compelled to accomplish that? The entire purpose of being a social nudist is to achieve freedom in the limitation of clothing and societal expectations, to experience all of the sensations in nature in just how human beings were born.
Societal Nudity Laws

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