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Nikki and I stayed up late playing pool with my best friend and his wife. A few drinks later we started making bets. If Nikki makes the shot she gets $100 bucks! If she missed she had to take off an article of clothing. She was actually lucky and hit her shot for $100. Then my buddy J pulled the double or nothing move and she started missing shot after shot till she was shooting pool in only her high heels! She got revenge off cam later when J was wasted she bet him twice that he could not make a shot. She distracted him and he missed. You can hear him complaining at the end sitting outside with me looking in at naked Nikki by the pool table bitching about how he lost $200 bucks. Lol!
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Gimlli Free Hola otra vez. Ya ha llegado la primavera y por supuesto unas cuantas fotos de estilo libre para que disfruteis tod@s. Creo que esta vez han salido bien. A ver si hay suerte y consigo suficientes votos. El mes pasado he vuelto a quedar en el puesto 6. La verdad es que no esta nada mal y me ha animado mucho a seguir contribuyendo. Muchas gracias por todos vuestros comentarios. Ya he visto que tengo bastantes aficionados. A algunos les he respondido, pero es que sois muuuuuchos. Agradeceria alguna idea para futuras contribuciones.Bueno gracias de nuevo y hasta pronto. Hello again. I loved the spring days. Gimlli is free for all of you. I think that this time the photos are the best of all my contris. Last months I reached the 6th position. Thank you for all your votes. I hope you enjoy this contri. I have read all your comments, but only have answered some of them (they are a lot of). I would like to know your ideas about a future contris. See you soon. Many kisses.
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