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All I can say is, "Wow". For all of the overwhelming compliments that you guys have been giving me and the girls. We really appreciate it. This set of photos was taken of my very close friend Kat in a hotel on our way to Palm Springs, California. The tub was pretty big (big enough for 3 actually), and I think that Kat was hinting to something when she hopped in. But instead of jumping in immediately I decided to grab my camera, and take a few hot pics. Just like me to always be thinking of a photo op. Dont't worry though, I did get in, and had a chance to clean my dirty little kitty Kat. LOL. Hugs and Kisses,
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Elektra Zurich Winter Days Nip - Bonjour a tous mes fans, bonjour Kate ! Me voici de retour a Zurich apres mon passage cet ete a la Streetparade. J'ai decide de retourner dans le meme panudistou j'avais deja fait mon petit strip, pour vous livrer la version hivernale du coin...Rien que pour le plaisir de vos yeux et des veinards qui passaient par la ! Merci pour vos votes, d'autres images suivront, bisous ? tous, votre Elektra. Hi to all my fans, Hi Kate ! Here I'm return to Zurich after my passage this summer at Streetparade. I decided to go back in the same park where I had already made my sensually strip, to deliver to you the winter version of the corner... Only for the pleasure of your eyes and of the lucky devils who passed by there! Thanks you all for your votes, more coming soon from yours Elektra. Kiss from France. Hallo liebe fans, Hallo Kate. Hier bin ich zuruck nach Zurich nach meinem sommer trip an der Streetparade. Ich wollte zuruck in den selben panudistwo ich meinen strip gemacht hatte, um euch die Winter version vom Platz zu schicken, fur ihren glucklichen Augen und auch von die Spassvogeln die hier vorbei kammen. Danke fur eure votes, mehr von mir bald. Kussen aus Frankreich, eure Elektra.
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