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Here are some pics we took last time we were in Daytona. The guy is someone we met who was down there with his friends from the radio station. While we were taking pics in front of the hotel by the van a hotel worker came out the front door to sweep up trash and sawher standing there nude. He went back inside and watched from the window. A car driving down A1A saw her standing out in front of the van nude and made a U-turn and pulled into the parking lot. Ithink we made his night as well asthe4 guys she flashed going up in the elevator. I didn't get any pics of that because I was shocked that she just pulled her dress right up infront of the guys getting on the elevator. They saw her flash as they were getting on the elevator so they stopped it and got back off. They wanted to know if she would flash them again and if you know Kat like I do you know she was more than happy to do it again.Oh, how I wish public nudity was legal! PDPMEA
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I don't like go shopping and Rosa knows it, so she helps me to keep the people away from me. And when she see that somebody is coming, don't hesitate and scare him to make him run away. Would you run, too, right?. Please vote for Rosa if you enjoy this serie from Madrid, Spain. Kate, We are your fans # 1 in Spain!. PDPME Sorry for poor Quality, pics are made froma webCam No me gusta hacer la compra de la semana y Rosa lo sabe, asi que procura que la gente no se acerque a nuestro alrededor. Y cuando ve acercarse a alguien, no lo duda y le asusta para que se marche ?tu te irias verdad?. Votanos si te gusta la serie. Desde Madrid, Espana, admiramos tu pagina Kate. Lamentamos la mala calidad de las fotos fueron sacadas con una webcam. Por favor no muestres mi email.
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